#Mentor4Nepal Initiative

#Mentor4Nepal Initiative

#Mentor4Nepal Initiative is for recent graduates and early career professionals focusing on the enhancement of one’s skill set, support for a research project, and a collaborative publication. Various sectors such as #engineering, #environmentalscience, #forestry, #agriculture, #transportation, #publichealth, #management, and #informationtechnology can take advantage of both #geospatial and artificial technologies (GeoAI). Geospatial technology associates any problem with coordinates and gives us a better picture of how things are located, related, and changing. #GeoAI is utilizing AI for intelligent geographic information such as image classification, object detection, scene segmentation, simulation and interpolation, link prediction, (natural language-based) retrieval and question answering, on-the-fly data integration, geo-enrichment, and many others (https://doi.org/10.1080/13658816.2019.1684500). Thus, an application can be broad and can be utilized to answer any research gap that you feel in our society and supports the UN's SDGs (https://doi.org/10.18494/SAM.2019.2706). The concept can be small and viable considering one's situation.

Theme: Application of geospatial technologies and artificial intelligence (GeoAI). The field is not limited and the project can be object detection such as land cover and features, supporting sustainable development goals in the land, water, forest, crop, and energy dynamics, linking people’s perception, activities, and government action/policy to climate change, etc.

A project can be an individual or a group (3 max.). Priority will be given to novelty, use of open-access data, tools, and impact on society. Financial support can be provided for a promising project depending on the necessity and impact of the work. It is voluntary participation for your future growth, especially in academia. It will focus on the enhancement of one’s skill set. The concept will be yours and you will be leading the project to a successful first-authored publication. I will simply guide you by answering your queries, linking the right resources, and step-by-step process of academic research and publication. Full Article Processing Charge (APC) will be supported for the open access publication in SCIE-indexed journals. See previous M4N publications: https://www.researchgate.net/project/Mentor4Nepal-Initiative and some #M4NUpdates: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/hashtag/?keywords=m4nupdate.

Interested candidates (National and International) can email me at tridevacharya[at]gmail.com with their queries. To initiate any collaboration for their desired mini-project (which can be simple at this stage), please complete the following instructions (use any one method to create a sharable folder):

In addition, one should think of it as an opportunity to create a life-long mentor-mentee relationship to help each other for a long-term career via Facebook Group [Request only approved after a successful proposal of a project]. One-on-one career counseling will be provided along with a tailored career/research guide based on one’s interest and future milestones such as Education, Job, Investment, Settlement, Marriage, Partner's career, Kids, Family, Society, etc. Understanding these milestones from an early age and balancing them is the key to a happy future. One should carefully consider important questions like how much education I need, how much money do I need to sustain my future, or when is a good time to marry, start a family and settle. An ideal case is always realizing all these in Nepal together with the family and living happily. Read https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10159465595218501&id=795108500.

A half an hour biweekly meeting is preferred to share the progress and reflect on the blocks. One may go to Google Calendar https://calendar.google.com/ and create a biweekly meeting with the title "Biweekly Meeting: InitialsFirstLastName_TDA" e.g. Biweekly Meeting: TDA_TDA adding me as a guest with my Gmail only. For Nepal, 6-9:00 AM is fine with me. Do check, Modify events for guests so that I can adjust time as per my schedule.

#Mentor4Nepal #GeoAI #Geospatial #ArtificialIntelligence #SustainableDevelopment #ClimateChange #AcademicResearch #Publication #OpenAccess #SCIE #National #International #M4NUpdate #M4N #Email #Queries #MiniProject #Instructions #Nepal #Guide #HigherEd #Help #FirstGen


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